Tool to write sensor data of Airthings Wave Plus to MongoDB


This tool reads the sensor data of ‘Airthings Wave Plus’ to MongoDB for future analysis (see schema below).

The ‘code’ is based on project published by Airthings and extended to run standalone and store the received data to MongoDB.

Example of MongoDB entry
    "_id" : ISODate("2020-XX-XXXXX:XX:XX.XXXZ"),
    "VOC_lvl" : 165.0,
    "radon_st_avg" : 23,
    "CO2_lvl" : 559.0,
    "temperature" : 27.71,
    "pressure" : 1005.64,
    "radon_lt_avg" : 27,
    "humidity" : 60.5

Tobias Klingel
Tobias Klingel
Lead cybersecurity engineer